Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Seven Savvy Savings Tips When Buying Auto Insurance

1. Raise your deductible. Your deductible is the amount you pay when you make a claim before your insurance company pays. The disadvantage of raising your deductible is that when you do make a claim, you’ll pay more. The advantage is that your annual insurance costs go down. You can raise your deductible on the comprehensive and collision sections of your insurance policy.
2. Drop your collision and/or comprehensive insurance on older autos. If your car is not worth much to begin with, then it may not be worth paying for collision and comprehensive insurance. That is because the amount you pay for the deductible plus the amount you pay for the insurance may be more than the value of the car itself. An auto dealer or Kelley Blue Book can help you determine the value of your auto.
3. Buy a "lower profile" vehicle. Part of what determines the cost of insurance is the kind of vehicle you drive. Some models are common targets for auto theft, while some models are just more expensive to repair. Generally these vehicles will cost more to insure. It pays to do your research before you buy.
4. Take full advantage of low mileage or distance discount rating. Some insurance companies give discounts to people who drive less than a pre-determined number of miles each year or drive certain distances to and from their place to work.
5. When you move, consider the cost of insurance. Yes, the cost of insurance varies from place to place. Some areas can be considerably higher. Make sure to keep your insurance broker informed, as this could save you money.
6. Make sure the information about your vehicle is correctly listed on your policy. You would be surprised how many inaccuracies show up on a policy, especially with so many model names sounding very similar. Insurance rates vary depending on model, and you could be paying more for a car you’re not even driving! Other common errors include the wrong mileage and mistaking a four-door vehicle for a two-door (both of which can also affect insurance rates).
7. Research the bevy of discounts available. Insurance companies reward good drivers. Insurance companies also reward people who insure both their homes and cars with them. This is called a multi-policy discount. Other discounts available may (depending on your insurer) include multiple vehicles, anti-theft devices, retirees, driver education, abstainers from alcohol, age, and distance to university/colleges for students.

Initial Steps to Take After an Auto Accident

Auto accidents can be very traumatic and, certainly, if you are injured, do not get out of the car! If, however, you are not injured and can pull over to a safe spot and get out of the car easily and carefully, there are some steps you should take at the scene of the accident, to prepare to make your insurance claim. This will ensure that you have complete documentation regarding the accident for later on. At the scene, if the other driver is able, get all of his or her personal information (name, address, phone number, driver’s license number) and insurance information (name of insurance company and policy number). Write down the make and model of the other vehicle, the color, the license plate number and the vehicle identification number (VIN) if possible. If you have a cell phone with a camera, take pictures of the other vehicle including the license plate and all the damage. Take pictures of your own car, as well. If a police officer comes to the scene, talk to him or her and find out when the report will be ready and how to obtain it. Get the officer’s name and contact information. Do not accept responsibility for the accident even if it was your fault. The other driver may have been partially responsible, as well.

When you get home

Within 24 hours, if possible, you should report the accident to your insurance company, the other driver’s insurance company, or both. A claims adjuster will then contact you. This is the individual who will get all of the information from you about your accident, determine if there is coverage under your policy (if it is your insurer) or the other driver’s policy, gather the facts, do the investigation to determine who was at fault, decide on the value of your claim, and, if everything goes as planned, pay you for your damages. It’s not a complicated process, but if you’ve never gone through it before, there are some important things you need to know.

Whether you are dealing with your insurance company’s adjuster or the other driver’s, many of the questions asked and documents requested will be the same. They will want to know what happened, the people and vehicles involved, what was damaged, and if anyone was injured. They’ll want photos taken of your vehicle and an estimate for the damages, a copy of the police report if there is one, and contact information for any witnesses.

Some of the questions both insurance company adjusters will ask are:

* State what happened in the accident.
* Where did it occur?
* Who was driving?
* Any passengers in the vehicle? Names/contact information/ages.
* Was a policeman called to the scene? Did the officer prepare a report?
* What vehicles were involved? Makes, Models, years, colors, registered owners.
* Were the vehicles damaged? What parts? Were the cars drivable?
* Was anyone injured? Did anyone leave by ambulance?
* Any witnesses? Contact information.
* Does the other party have insurance? Insurance company name and contact information.

Beyond these questions, there are some differences between not just what the insurance company will ask, but the attitude they take depending on whether it is your own insurance company or the other driver’s. Of course your own insurance adjuster will want to know if you were injured and will ask for details of your injury and treatment, but they are only responsible under your policy for paying your medical bills up to your policy limits. They do not, however, pay for your lost wages, or your pain and suffering unless you live in a no-fault state.

If, however, you are talking to the other driver’s insurance company, their job is to keep your claim as small as possible. Why? If their insured was at fault for the accident, they may be responsible for paying not just for your medical bills and the damage to your vehicle, but your lost wages, other expenses you incurred or will incur in the future, and general damages which include your pain and suffering. Since they could be on the hook for a lot more money than your own insurance, you may find some skepticism when being questioned and you have to be careful. They may try to get you to state that you have no injury, or they may try to minimize your injury claim, and get you to sign a Release and Waiver before you know how serious your injury really is. If you sustained more than just a minor injury, you may want to speak to an attorney before talking to the other driver’s insurer so you avoid saying or signing the wrong thing which could hurt your chances of making an injury claim or getting paid what you deserve down the road.

Some additional questions the other driver’s insurer may ask:

* What part of your body was injured?
* Have you had any injuries or treatment to that body part ever before?
* When was the last time you were treated for an injury to that body part?
* What was your doctor’s diagnosis at that time?

Be careful when answering this line of questioning. Suppose your lower back was injured in the accident. Most people have had some back problems at some point in their lives. If you tell them that 10 years ago you injured your back at work, even if it’s been fine for the last 9 years, they may try to say this was just an aggravation of the old injury and assign it less value. This is why talking to an attorney first may be your best bet to protect your rights, and be certain you will get a fair settlement.

Tips for Buying Truck Insurance

- Choose a deductible you can afford. Choosing a higher deductible may save you money on premiums, but you’ll pay more out of your own pocket if you do have an accident. Choose a deductible based on how much money you realistically can afford to pay for repairs.

-Ask about combined deductibles, which allow you to pay one deductible that covers the truck, the trailer, and the cargo, instead of paying separate deductibles for each.

-Look beyond price. Sure, you want the most affordable insurance you can find, but you also want an agent who will be there for you in the event of an accident. Your agent should be knowledgeable, willing to work with you, and able to provide coverage specific to your needs. Try to find someone you trust, preferably a carrier that is referred to you by friends and colleagues.

-Shop around. There are several ways to obtain truck insurance—through the trucking company, through a finance company, and through trucking associations. Look at all of these options, comparing auto insurance price and features. Many trucking companies offer group plans for their owner-operators, often at competitive prices and with plenty of features. Deposits can often be paid in installments, and premiums are deducted from the settlement checks. Finance companies often allow you to combine your premiums with your equipment payments, and you may be able to finance your deposit. Many state trucking associations also offer group plans for owner-operators and small trucking companies.
Types of Coverage for Your Equipment

Primary auto liability insurance is required by federal law, and covers you if you are involved in an accident in which someone else is injured. Even if you lease your equipment, you are still required to have primary auto liability, which your equipment provider may provide.

Physical damage insurance covers the truck and trailer, and although it is not required by law, you may be required to have it if you are financing your equipment. The premiums usually cost a percentage of the market value of the truck.
Types of Coverage for Your Cargo

* Cargo insurance covers damage or loss of cargo while it is being transported. It may not protect you in every situation; for example, some insurers will not cover damage or loss of cargo from unattended vehicles. Beware that insurers may place a limit on what you can claim.

* Terminal coverage protects cargo while it is at a specific terminal, and usually has a time limit, (usually 36 to 72 hours for a load, depending on the insurer).

* Warehouse legal protects cargo if you plan to store it longer than is covered by the terminal coverage.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alabama Auto Insurance

From Alabama Auto Insurance Laws & Requirements to Alabama DUI Laws, from Alabama Teen Driver Laws to Alabama Auto Insurance Rate Estimates, from Alabama Auto Theft Statistics to Alabama Auto Insurance Rate Trends, trying to find all the information you need can be daunting. The good news is that if you're a Alabama driver, the facts you want are right here.
Alabama Auto Insurance Laws, Minimums, Requirements
What mandatory auto insurance laws exist in the state of Alabama?

- All Alabama drivers must be covered by liability insurance or an acceptable alternative i.e. motor vehicle liability bond or deposit of cash. The motor vehicle liability bond must be filed with the Department of Revenue’s Motor Vehicle Division. The deposit of cash with the Alabama State Treasurer shall be a sum of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
- Alabama requires that driver’s provide proof of insurance at time of registration.
Alabama DUI Laws
In the state of Alabama, you can be arrested for and charged with a DUI, even if you are not driving the car. Alabama is an “actual physical control” state. What this means is Alabama DUI laws allow officers to arrest intoxicated individuals whether they are just sitting in the car or driving it. Actual physical control means the exclusive physical power, and present ability, to operate, move, park or direct whatever use or nonuse is to be made of a motor vehicle at the moment, as determined by the totality of the circumstances. An individual that meets one of the above conditions and who is sitting in, or even asleep in a motor vehicle may be guilty of DUI, DWI, or drunk driving.
Alabama (AL) Teen Auto Insurance Laws, Rates & Requirements
In the state of Alabama, only 6 percent of driver’s on the road are teenagers. Sadly, teen drivers are responsible for roughly 15 percent of all highway deaths in the state. Of the 1,100 fatal accidents that occurred within Alabama state lines in 2007, around 165 involved teens. In an effort to reduce the number of fatal traffic accidents involving teens, the state of Alabama has its own version of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL), as well as automatic restrictions on teen driver licenses.

Auto Insurance Claims: Top 10 Items You Need When You Make A Claim

Auto Insurance
1. Who did I have an accident with? Be sure to get complete information from the other party(ies) involved. This means copying down their address, driver’s license #, date of birth, and ask for their phone number. In addition, obtain their insurance information including, the company, policy #, agent if there is one, the policy begin and expiration date and their phone #. You need to make sure that you have as much info as possible to give your insurance company; this will help get your claim resolved as fast as possible.

2. Were there any witnesses? Was there anyone who saw the accident happen? You want to make sure that you get information from anyone who saw the accident. This will assist the insurance companies to determine who is liable for the accident.

3. Were the police called? If the police called or showed up, make sure to get the name and badge # of the officer and a report number. It may take your insurance company up to 3 months to get a police report, so be sure you take the information but don’t rely on the insurance company getting the information.

4. What kind of vehicle or vehicles were involved in this accident? You want to make sure that you get the vehicle year, make and model, the license plate #, and VIN number for each vehicle involved.

5. Where did this happen? Get the intersection or street that the accident happened on. Also, you want to make sure that you know how many lanes are on each side of the street, if the street or streets are 1 way or 2 way, the type of striping on the pavement within 100 feet each direction of the loss, i.e. is it a solid, double yellow line, a white line, etc. Also, you want to know where each vehicle impacted, what lane you and the other car were driving in just before the accident, the direction of travel for each vehicle, and if there were any signs posted that control traffic flow.

6. How many passengers were in each vehicle? Take note of how many people were in each of the vehicles involved. Once you know, make a brief note of their description or name including: ethnicity, gender, weight, height, etc. This will help if you are the victim of a staged accident or other type of insurance fraud since people sometimes mysteriously are reported as an occupant of the vehicle when they were not present. This is not common, but if it ever does happen, this will help you avoid being a victim.

7. What type of condition was the car in right after the accident? Was the vehicle drivable? Where is the damage? Is there any additional damage on the vehicle not related to the accident? If there is additional damage on the vehicle not related to this accident, be sure to tell your insurance company.

8. Where do I want to get my vehicle repaired? If you have a shop in mind, have that information with you. If you don’t, ask around, your friends might have a good recommendation. Otherwise, you can ask your insurance company if they have a repair program. If they do have one, be sure to ask about the program’s warranty, cost, and if there is a benefit to using it.

9. Write down all the information. Record all the information that you have gathered and keep it in a safe place. This is to assist you if there is a problem with the claim. When you report it, be sure to write down who you spoke with, your claim #, and what if any promises were made. This will make your life easier if someone says something and then it doesn’t happen.

10. Take pictures of the accident right after it occurred. Take a photo of your vehicle and the other vehicle(s) involved including all 4 corners. Also, if you can get the other party in the photo, that will help in the event that either insurance company needs help identifying the other party involved.

If you have a claim that needs to be filed, the above items are good to gather since it will make the process easier and assist your insurance adjuster to resolve your claim at a faster pace. The insurance adjuster(s) you will deal with each have a job, it is to resolve as many claims as they can in the least amount of time possible. As a result, the more information you can give him or her, the smoother the process will be.
Darryl Lee is a licensed insurance agent/broker, private investigator, and independent adjuster. Auto Insurance

New York (NY) Teen Auto Insurance Laws, Rates & Requirements

Auto Insurance In the state of New York, the following risky driving habits are among the leading causes of traffic accidents: speeding, unsafe or too-frequent lane changing, not using turn signals, tailgating, not yielding the right of way, ignoring traffic signals, and driving while impaired by alcohol or chemicals. New York teens engage in some of the same dangerous behaviors, but they have a number of other issues working against them – especially in the beginning stages of driving. Teens are known for driving while talking on a cell phone or texting. In addition, lack of education (which can lead to all of the causes listed above), driving at night, and driving with too many passengers are top causes of teen car crashes in the state of New York. Auto Insurance.

In an effort to reduce the number of teen car accidents, the state of New York has its own version of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL). New York’s Graduated Driver Licensing program follows a three step process to help educate teens about the rules of the road and teach them about the dangers of unsafe driving practices. The program also comes with a number of restrictions to help keep teens and other drivers on the road safe during the process.

Continue reading to learn more about New York’s teen driving laws and the consequences for violating them.

New York Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) and Driver License Requirements

In the state of New York, all beginning teen drivers must complete three steps before receiving a full unrestricted license. These include:

• Learner’s License
• Intermediate License
• Unrestricted License

Learner’s License
You must be a at least 16 years of age to receive a learners license. As of February 22, 2010, you will be required to hold the learner’s license for 6 full months. During this time, you must complete at least 50 hours of supervised driving time to include 15 hours at night.

Intermediate License
The intermediate license or “restricted license” is available to teens 16 ½ or older that have satisfied all of the requirements of the learner’s license.

Unrestricted License
You must be 17 years old to obtain an unrestricted license. If you have not taken a driver education course, you must be 18 years of age. To obtain your unrestricted license, you must satisfy all of the requirements of the intermediate license, meaning, you must have a clean driving record, by following the laws of the intermediate license to the letter. Please review the next section “New York Teen Driving Laws and Enforcement” for details.

To obtain a learner’s license, you must be at least 16 years of age and:

• Provide two forms of identification as proof of identity
• Provide a social security card
• Provide a signed consent form
• Take a written knowledge test
• Take a vision test
• Pay the $10 application fee
• Pay the $12.50 document processing fee

To apply for your intermediate license and you will have to show proof of identity. If you have completed a driver education course, you will have to provide your certificate of completion as well.

New York Teen Driving Laws and Enforcement

In the state of New York, learner permit holders must be accompanied by a licensed adult age 21 or older, at all times. Permit holders younger than age 18 cannot transport passengers under 21, unless accompanied by a licensed adult age 21 or older. In addition, permit holders are prohibited from driving on streets located within any New York City park.

Intermediate license holders are prohibited from driving between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.. In addition, you may transport only 1 passenger under the age of 21 at any given time. If you violate any of the conditions of New York’s Graduated Driver Licensing program, you may lose your driving privileges and/or your licensing will be delayed.

New York Cell Phone Use/Texting While Driving Laws

In the state of New York, cell phone use while driving is prohibited for all drivers unless you are using a hands-free device. Texting while driving will be against the law beginning November 1, 2009. The fine for violating the text messaging law will be $150. Currently, the hands-free cell phone law is treated as a secondary offense, meaning, you must be stopped for another traffic violation to receive a citation for violating the cell-phone law.

New York Teen DUI Laws

In the state of New York, it is a crime for a teen to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration level (BAC) of 0.02% or higher. A BAC of 0.02% is as little as one beer, one glass of wine or one mixed drink for most people. Proof of a BAC of 0.02% is all that is needed to convict a New York teen of DUI. If you get caught driving with a BAC of 0.02% or higher, you risk losing your driving privileges until you turn 21. If you get caught driving under the influence of any other substances such as marijuana or even prescription drugs, you risk the same penalties.

New York Teen Auto Insurance Requirements

It doesn’t matter if a vehicle is registered in a teens name or the parent’s name, in the state of New York you must carry minimum liability coverage in the amounts of $25,000/$50,000 for bodily injury, $25,000/$50,000 uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist bodily injury, $10,000 for property damage, and $50,000 personal injury protection (PIP). Because the risk of having an auto crash is significantly higher during a teen’s first year behind the wheel, New York auto insurance companies recommend purchasing higher amounts of coverage than the legal limits. If you plan to add a teen driver to your existing auto insurance policy, instead of purchasing a separate policy, keep in mind that your annual rate will increase anywhere from $1,200 to $4,900 a year. The average increase is around $2,171 a year.
Michelle Burton is a published author and contributing editor for Trouve Media, Internet Brands, and Publications International, Ltd. Auto Insurance

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim: When Do You Need a Police Report?

Auto Insurance. Certain accidents absolutely need a response from local law enforcement – local Police, Highway Patrol, Sheriff or other entity. Which department responds will be based on the jurisdiction in which the accident happened. But do you always need a police report?

In several instances, it is necessary. These would include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

• Any accident in which someone is injured
• Any accident where one or more drivers flee the scene
• An accident where there is serious damage to either or both vehicles

These circumstances can be traumatic and collecting ALL the information you need may be difficult at the time. Also, if anyone is injured, you will want a record with some details of the injury. The police report forms allow an officer to cover most possible details that would be required for the police department, courts, and certainly, for the adjuster. The officer is also able to verify some information and to search any information that a driver cannot provide at the scene.

Additionally, your insurance company may require you to stay and report the accident, such as the case where the other driver flees the scene. Or, your carrier may accept a ‘counter report’. You physically go to the nearest law enforcement office and complete an accident report, and secure a copy to provide to your insurance company. This is typical in very large ,busy jurisdictions; officers may respond to the scene, but if no injuries are reported and the vehicles appear to be safely driveable, they may advise you to go to the nearest station and complete a ‘counter report’, or they may provide the form to you at the scene.

About Auto Insurance, There are also cases where it may be more helpful to have a police response and a report made even if they don’t meet the criteria above; these could include:

• An individual admits blame but insists on offering you a cash payment and will not provide you with his contact information, including his insurance information, stating he doesn’t want to have a negative report with his carrier. If he appears to be leaving the scene, jot down his license number and details of his vehicle.
• The other driver admits that he does not have any insurance coverage but offers to pay you cash for your damages. He may not be truthful with contact information, but the police may be able to locate some information.
• The police report provides a very orderly form to collect all the important data, including some crucial details. It’s not unusual, in an already stressful setting, to forget which details to secure. This report will then be ordered by the adjuster in order to gather and coordinate details that may be unknown to or forgotten by her policyholder or the claimant.

Most importantly, even if an officer has collected contact information for everyone involved, do your best to also secure that information yourself, right at the scene. It can sometimes takes weeks, or even months, depending on the jurisdiction, for an adjuster to secure a copy of the report. If you’ve jotted down insurance information for everyone, the adjuster will be able to begin a full investigation right away. Auto Insurance

Recent Texas Auto Insurance Rate Trends and Quotes

Knowing auto insurance rates, average monthly premiums, and rate trends for Texas makes you an informed consumer. We've compiled recent auto insurance quotes so that you can see Texas's average monthly premiums and rate trends by month, and compare those to the national averages. Check out our chart of monthly premiums, and our table of rate increases and rate decreases, and get the info you need to make an educated decision about how much you pay for auto insurance.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

23 Tips to Save Money on Auto Insurance


Try one (or two or three) of these tips to save some change on auto insurance.

Insurance Quotes

Tip #1: Earn a Low Mileage Discount

Carpool, take the bus or cut back on trips. If your annual mileage is 10,000 or less, most insurers will offer a discount.

Tip #2: Study Hard

Students with B or better average qualify for a Good Student Discount in high school and college. Provide proof of your GPA annually.

Tip #3: Take a Defensive Driving Course

Many states offer a discount to mature drivers who take a certified defensive driving course. Ask us which companies do.

Tip #4: Drive a Hybrid

Travelers and others offer a hybrid discount. Other fuel-efficient cars often cost less to insure than gas guzzlers. Compare rates before you buy.

Tip #5: Get a Multi-Policy Discount

Insure your home, motorcycle or boat with your auto insurer and get a discount on your car insurance. Ask us for a quote.

Tip #6: Switch to $500 or $1,000 Deductibles

You can save as much as 15-20% of your Comprehensive & Collision premiums, especially for cars less than 5 years old.

Tip #7: Buy Gap Insurance

It costs a little more, but can cover your loan payments, if you have a total loss of a new car that’s worth less than your outstanding balance.

Tip #8: Don't Let Your Policy Lapse

It’s illegal – and you could pay 25% more for a new policy when you’re ready to buy one. Some insurers offer a transfer discount, too.

Tip #9: Protect Your Credit

In many states, missed payments can lower your credit rating, making it more expensive to get car insurance coverage in the future.

Tip #10: Insure Everyone in the Household on One Policy

You’ll earn a multi-car discount, and can be certain there’s coverage for driving each other’s cars.

Tip #11: Don't Speed Excessively

Traffic tickets will increase your rates hundreds of dollars a year. And, tickets are chargeable for the next 3 years.

Tip #12: Insure Your Home and Auto Wisely

Always buy Uninsured Motorist coverage to protect yourself from drivers without insurance. Uninsured accidents are costly.

Tip #13: Drop Comp & Collision Coverage

If your car is 8 to 10 years old, it might be time to “self-insure” it. Consider the trade-offs, as you’ll have to pay to fix it.

Tip #14: Pay The Small Claims Yourself

We know you buy insurance to cover losses, but paying a small claim is often cheaper than getting a rate increase in the future.

Tip #15: Avoid High Theft Cars and Trucks

If your car’s a target for thieves, you’ll pay more for Comprehensive coverage. A higher deductible will help manage costs.

Tip #16: Go Paperless

Some companies offer discounts for using online billing and service options. And, for using E-signature to complete your policy forms online.

Tip #17: Earn an Early Shopping Discount

Compare rates more than 2 weeks before your renewal date and you may get an early shopping rate. Ask us how to qualify.

Tip #18: Get Discounts for Anti-Lock Brakes and Airbags

Safe cars are cheaper to insure. And, most insurers give a discount for safety features and anti-theft devices.

Tip #19: Earn Payment Discounts

Consider paying in full if your company has a discount for it. And, using EFT for payments saves monthly installment fees.

Tip #20: Take a Driver's Training Class

While Driver’s Ed is not required in every state, many companies offer teens a discount for their first few years on the road.

Tip #21: Earn Renewal Discounts

When you shop for new rates, consider whether you’ll qualify for a renewal discount with your current company. You may save more.

Tip #22: Ask About a Homeowner's Discount

Many insurers offer a 5% to 10% homeowners discount, even if you don’t insure your home with them. It’s a sign of stability.

Tip #23: Get Married

Rates for couples are lower. Get quotes from both insurance companies before you merge your coverage. And, buy higher limits if you own a home together.

Insurance Quotes.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Ways To Lower Your Health Insurance Costs

Insurance Quotes. Buying and maintaining affordable health insurance can seem like a daunting proposition. With so many options to choose from and countless figures associated with each policy, it can sometimes seem as though you need an M.D. simply to make sense of it all. Thankfully there are some basic tips you can use for guidance along the way.

1. Know your health. Buying health insurance is confusing enough without having to wonder what those physicals will find. If you haven’t been to a clinic for a checkup in the last several years, you may want to get a detailed overview before you begin shopping. Often just by getting your blood chemistry and a few other key indicators, you can save yourself considerable time down the road.

2. If you have a pre-existing medical condition such as diabetes or hypertension, you may have trouble getting affordable health insurance. Do not give up, however – these days a number of boutique insurance companies specialize in insuring people with certain disorders. Even if you believe you will never be able to find annual fees that suit your budget, a little research is bound to discover at least one or two companies who offer a higher standard of care and support. Needless to say, you want to avoid the major insurance companies for the same reason.

3. Ask your existing doctors and specialists whether they belong to any group plans such as HMOs or PPOs. You may not have anyone in your Rolodex if you have avoided medical care during a period of unemployment, but it is always wise to look ahead and anticipate the people you expect to visit. This includes psychiatrists, chiropractors and countless other subspecialties, so make a list of your ideal caregivers. Even if you cannot think of anyone offhand, most experts recommend calling a local treatment center and seeing what kind of insurance they offer the best rates with.

4. Look for group plans, even if you’re between jobs. Too many people assume that if they have lost their jobs, few options exist for affordable health care. Not so – today a growing stable of trade groups, guilds and unions have sprung up to help people who may be out of work or self-employed. It’s not unusual for major insurance companies to offer outstanding rates to group plans such as these, so you may save thousands each year just by joining up. The last thing you want is to pay out of pocket just because you freelance, so look for like-minded people in your area to see what’s possible.

5. Another good option if you have recently terminated at another job is to take advantage of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA. This legislation stipulates that employers must provide you with supplemental health insurance for up to a year after you leave the job – not a long term plan, perhaps, but a welcome buffer if you do not relish the thought of spending weeks without a safety net. Most employers will extend COBRA benefits automatically, though some may require proof of employment and recent health records. Be prepared to produce all this information if you want to avoid lag times.

6. Decide whether you want to go with a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) or a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Each offers different pros and cons, but the difference boils down to a simple question of access versus cost. PPOs are popular because they allow you to seek care outside your original health network, albeit it at an increased deductible and copay. HMOs, on the other hand, only cover caregivers within the network – but they may offer significant savings if you don’t foresee the need to travel outside your plan for treatment.

7. SHOP AROUND! Health insurance companies are notorious for the widely divergent algorithms they use to determine your premiums. If you are unhappy with the prices at one, be sure to collect several more estimates before you commit to any plan. It’s not unusual for two companies with the same data and case history to vary as much as 50 percent from one another, so you owe it to yourself to get a boarder overview. Don’t just limit yourself to major providers either – a number of low-volume insurance companies offer special deals that may benefit people in your neighborhood or profession.

8. Be sure and check the copays on any medications you are already taking. Too many people forget this step, only to find themselves astonished by their first trip to the pharmacy. You may also want to look into the difference in cost for brand-name versus generic drugs – sometimes you can find a steep discount by switching to a medication only one provider covers. When in doubt, ask a customer service professional about your precise medication and dosage, as you want to get a specific number nailed down before you sign.

9. Save by combining health care policies with family members. It is a well-known fact that married couples enjoy less expensive health care premiums than their unmarried counterparts, but you may be able to save further by putting the whole family under a single umbrella plan. Spouses and children help distribute the risk for insurance carriers, giving them greater incentive to match or beat the other estimates you have seen. You may also be able to combine health insurance with life insurance to create an overarching combined policy – again, the premiums here will inevitably drop as you fold more coverages in.

10. Take care of yourself. This is perhaps self-evident, but it remains of paramount importance to individuals who see themselves switching carriers sometime in the future. Try quitting smoking, losing weight, increasing your exercise and otherwise taking daily steps to improve your health. It is a simple fact of the insurance business that private companies work for profit – if you can minimize the risk they take in covering you, you can expect to pay far less money over the course of your lifetime. Insurance Quotes

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Health Insurance Quotes

Why Do You Need Health Insurance?

Health Insurance Quotes. Medical care is so costly that consumer studies attribute half of all personal bankruptcies in the U.S. to uninsured medical expenses. If you are uninsured, finding affordable individual health insurance costs may be the single most important thing you can do for your financial wellbeing.

When you buy health insurance, you are buying peace of mind. If you’re young and in good health you may think of health insurance as an unnecessary expense, but if you are injured or have a medical emergency, the last thing you need is to be worried about how you’ll pay for your medical care.

With health insurance, you can focus on what’s most important – your treatment and recovery.
How to Shop Smart for Health Insurance Quotes

Finding the best individual health insurance costs is a balancing act: solid coverage without high out-of-pocket expenses, as well as lower individual health insurance rates and premiums that fits your budget. Here are some things you should know when searching for cheap individual health insurance quotes:

* Even if you have health insurance through your employer, it may not be enough coverage. Understand the limitations of your group coverage, and if necessary, consider supplemental health insurance to fill the gaps.
* If you are not covered by an employer (yours or your spouse’s), you may be eligible for a group plan through another organization, such as an alumni association, civic organization, or even a credit card company.
* Look for coverage that provides for most medical treatments, including preventive care, hospital stays, and treatment by specialists.
* If you can afford it, consider a policy that includes dental and vision coverage.
* Know your deductibles and copayments. These are your out-of-pocket expenses; higher deductibles typically mean lower premiums, and lower deductibles mean higher premiums.
* Choose a policy that includes prescription coverage. Even if you don’t take any medications now, you almost certainly will at some point-and medication is expensive.
* While managed-care health plans, such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) are generally less expensive than pay-for-service plans, they do limit your choice of providers and facilities. Make sure the list of approved providers for your plan includes names you know and trust. Get Health Insurance Quotes now.

Dental Insurance Quotes

Why Do You Need Dental Insurance?

* To maintain a healthy mouth. Studies show that regular check-ups and cleanings help to maintain dental health. That’s why most insurance plans pay 100% for regular check-ups twice a year.
* To pay for costly dental treatments and repairs. Even if you practice good oral hygiene and preventive care, the time may come when you’ll need more extensive dental work. Dental insurance generally pays all or a percentage of the charges related to your preventive care, as well as a portion of reparative or restorative work.
* To protect your general health. Studies suggest that tooth decay and gum disease may contribute to health problems, increase a woman’s risk of preterm delivery or a low birth-weight baby, or pose a serious threat to people whose health is compromised by chronic conditions such as diabetes, respiratory diseases, or osteoporosis. Routine check-ups and cleanings play a large role in keeping you healthy in the years to come, and dental insurance will help you pay for this preventive care.

How to Shop Smart for Dental Insurance Quotes

Dental insurance comes in many varieties, including HMOs and PPOs. If you’re not covered by an employer’s group dental plan, you may be looking for individual dental insurance quotes as a supplement to your health insurance coverage or as a stand-alone policy.

When considering your cheap dental insurance quotes, be sure to compare the benefits offered and annual maximum benefits levels as well as the monthly dental insurance rates and premiums. You may find that a higher level of desired benefits is worth the additional cost of higher dental insurance rates.

Here are some questions to guide you when shopping for low cost dental insurance quotes:

* Are you free to choose any provider you wish?
* Who controls your treatment options—you and your dentist, or your provider?
* What services are covered under the plan, and what are the limitations?
* Will the plan cover the services of a specialist who is recommended by your dentist?

Finding cheap dental insurance quotes is a lot easier.Get low cost dental insurance quotes today!

Renters Insurance Quotes

Why Do You Need Renters Insurance?

About insurance quotes. Many people who rent their homes think they don’t need renters insurance, but your landlord’s insurance will not protect you against damage to your personal property, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and other valuables.

Whether the cause is fire, water or even lightning, renters insurance safeguards you against financial loss resulting from physical damage to your personal belongings. It also covers you if your possessions are stolen (even if they’re in your car). And if you are sued by a guest who is injured in your home, renters insurance may provide coverage for legal expenses.

How to Shop Smart for Renters Insurance

If you’ve decided to buy renters insurance to protect yourself and your personal property, how do you go about selecting the right coverage and finding the best rates for your circumstances? You can start by shopping for instant renters insurance quotes and learning what details to look when comparing policies. Some important points to consider after you receive your rental insurance quotes include:

* Deductible – By choosing a policy with higher out-of-pocket deductibles, you could save money on premiums and overall rates
* Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost – With actual cash value the amount your insurer will pay is based on the depreciated value of the item. Replacement cost coverage will generate higher insurance rates, but it provides coverage based on the amount the item costs today.
* Discounts – Many insurers offer discounted renters insurance rates to non-smokers or for multiple policies (such as renters and auto). Always ask about discounts when receiving rental insurance quotes.
* Other Tenants – If you will be sharing your home make sure you understand if and how others will be covered.

Finding online renters insurance quotes is a lot easier than you think withInsuranceQuotes.com. We make it simple for you to obtain an insurance quote anytime, from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

With renters insurance rates as low as $20/month you can’t afford not to get it. Get your insurance quote now!

Mortgage Insurance

About insurance quotes. One of the most exciting moments in life is the purchase of a home. Whether it is an apartment, townhouse, single family home or vacation home, the thrill is great. It is also a huge financial responsibility. What happens if you die and the money you earn has been paying for either most or all of the mortgage payments? The simple answer is your family may not be able to continue living in the home which would be devastating.

The good news is that mortgage insurance is available to pay for the cost of your remaining mortgage amount. Mortgage insurance is simply another name for term life insurance. Someone takes out a policy over a specified period of time- usually 10-30 years and makes monthly premium payments. One of the reasons that the rates are reasonably priced is because if you outlive the duration of the policy, it simply expires. Specifically, it only has cash value if you die. The younger you are when taking out a mortgage insurance policy, the lower the premiums will be. A healthy non-smoking male can pay as low as $35 per month for a 20 year policy worth $500,000.

There are numerous factors to take into account when your mortgage insurance premiums are determined. They include:

* Your age – the younger you are, the less likely you are to die. These odds reward younger people with lower premiums.
* Smokers beware – Not only is smoking a major risk to your health but it will make your annual insurance increase by up to 30%. If you ever needed another reason to stop smoking, saving money for being a non-smoker may help you decide that today is the day to quit.
* Your job – If you sit at a desk all day or hold some other type of job that would be considered less risky, your rates will be lower. Conversely, if your job involves risk, then your premiums will be higher. Examples of higher risk jobs include being a pilot, a miner, window cleaner, or a police officer. While it is not being suggested that you change your line of work to get lower rates, it is something to keep in mind when looking at all factors of choosing a line of work.
* Your health -It is not debatable that eating a diet low in fat and processed foods will keep you healthier. Exercise will also keep you healthier. While what you eat will not be known when applying for insurance, if your blood, sugar and heart rate levels are not good, you will pay more for insurance. The biggest favor you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to eat healthy and get plenty of exercise. Get insurance quotes now.

Home Insurance Quotes

Compare Home Insurance Quotes and Save!

Insurance quotes
Home Insurance Quotes. Whether you are looking for a free homeowners insurance quote for a new home or looking for a better deal on your current insurance, InsuranceQuotes.com can help you find the right coverage with homeowners insurance rates that fit your budget. Get your free home insurance quotes today and find out just how much you could save!
Why Do You Need Homeowner Insurance?

If you have a mortgage on your home your lender requires you to carry home insurance in an amount sufficient to protect its financial interest. By making smart decisions about the homeowners insurance you buy, you’ll make sure that your interests are protected, too.

Typically, a home insurance policy protects you in three important ways:

* Structures – Your homeowner’s policy protects you against loss caused by accidental or weather-related damage to your home or other structures on your property. Home insurance also covers your expenses if you cannot live in your home for a period of time due to a covered loss (such as a fire, for example).
* Personal Property – Home insurance protects you and the members of your household against loss of personal property due to damage or theft.
* Liability – Liability insurance pays for medical expenses or other claims against you if a guest is injured while on your property or in your home.

How to Shop Smart for Homeowner Insurance Quotes

Home insurance isn’t “one-size-fits-all.” Here are things you should keep in mind as you search for the best value for your needs:

* Coverage Amounts – Make sure that your coverage is enough to protect the total value of your home, not just the equity in your home or the balance remaining on your mortgage.
* Covered and Uncovered Losses – What types of losses are covered by the policy? Theft, fire, and weather damage are standard for most policies, but some hazards, such as floods and earthquakes, may require a separate policy.
* Policy Exclusions – Most insurance policies specifically exclude damages caused by certain circumstances. Know and understand the limitations of your coverage.
* Deductible – You can save money on homeowners insurance rates by choosing a policy with higher out-of-pocket deductibles, but make sure the deductibles you choose are realistic.
* Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost – With actual cash value compensation your insurer will pay for the depreciated value of the lost item. Replacement cost coverage is more expensive, but it provides compensation based on the amount it will cost you to replace the item today.
* Discounts – Many insurers offer premium homeowners insurance rates to non-smokers or for new homes, security systems, or multiple policies.

Finding online home insurance rates is a lot easier than you may think. We make it simple for you to obtain free homeowners insurance quotes anytime, from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Get free home insurance quotes.

Life Insurance Quotes

Get Multiple Life Insurance Quotes in Just Minutes!

Life Insurance Quotes. Does the process of buying life insurance seem complicated and time consuming? When you’re ready to obtain online life insurance rates, simply complete and submit our 5-minute questionnaire. And once you get matching quotes, we can help you choose the coverage and policy you need, at a price that works for your budget.

If the topic of life insurance makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Thinking about our own passing or the passing of someone we love is always painful. Even so, if you have a spouse or children who depend on your income, you want to know they will be okay after you’re gone.

Depending on your circumstances, the proceeds from your life insurance policy can:

* replace lost income
* cover burial and estate expenses.
* pay off debt such as mortgage, car loans, home equity loans, college costs, medical care, and other types of debt

Life Insurance options

Understanding the types of life insurance available and then determining what is best for you can be overwhelming. Listed below are the types of life insurance. This will give you a head start when speaking with insurance agents on your life insurance options:
Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a commonly understood policy. You select the number of years you would like to be protected for. You pay either a monthly quarterly or annual amount. If you are still alive beyond the number of years the policy to run, the policy expires. A term life insurance policy has no cash value. Rather, it is in place to pay only if you die within this time frame. Term life insurance is very popular as it is usually inexpensive and can be set-up quickly and easily.
Whole Life Insurance

The benefit of a Whole Life Insurance policy is that while protecting your family in the event of your death, you are simultaneously building a cash value account. Under this type of policy, the insurance company exclusively manages the cash value account of your policy. By building a cash value to this account, you have the option to receive dividends or reinvest this money to reduce the costs of your premiums. You can also withdraw money from this policy.
Variable Life Insurance

There are unique components in selecting a Variable Life Insurance policy. This type of policy offers permanent coverage and account flexibility for someone who is a higher risk taker pertaining to their finances. The benefit paid when you die is not a set amount. The death benefit would vary depending on how well the money increased in value based upon the investments made. It is important to remember that you can borrow money from this policy during your lifetime.
Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance provides guaranteed protection for your dependents and financial flexibility. It offers separate accounts for you to invest in such as money market, stock, and bond funds. In addition, you are allowed to either borrow or make withdrawals from the account. Keep in mind that if you end the policy during the early years, the cash value will be less when time to receive funds.
How to Shop Smart for Life Insurance Quotes

With so many kinds of life insurance available-and considering the fact that term life insurance rates can vary as much as 50% among carriers-it pays to do your homework when shopping for term life insurance quotes. Here are some things to keep in mind as you search for the best plan and most competitive term life insurance rates:

* Determine your particular needs. If your children left the house or your spouse works or has additional income, and if you don’t have much debt, your insurance needs will be less than other people having more responsibilities or carrying a heavy debt load.
* Learn about the types of insurance available. A cash-value policy may provide an investment component or allow you to borrow against its value. Cash-value insurance is more expensive and simply provides a payout to your survivors at the time of your death.
* Ask about the issuing life insurance company’s financial strength and its track record for processing and paying claims.
* Lifestyle choices, such as smoking and drinking, can result in higher premiums. Your age and your health history are also a factor in term life insurance rates and premium costs.
* If you can afford to, save money by paying the premium on your policy for an entire year. Monthly or quarterly payments usually carry a surcharge of around 5% or more.

Finding online life insurance quotes is a lot easier than you think. We make it simple for you to obtain free insurance estimates anytime, from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Don’t procrastinate making this important decision. Get term life insurance quotes.

Auto Insurance Quotes

Get Multiple Auto Insurance Quotes in Just Minutes!

About insurance quotes. Whether you’re shopping for free car insurance quotes for a new car or looking for better automobile insurance quotes on your current auto insurance,let us help you find the coverage with the top auto insurance estimates available. Get our tips estimate today – and see just how much you could save!
Why Do You Need Auto Insurance?

On average, an auto accident occurs every five seconds in the United States. With each accident comes the risk of serious injury as well as damage to property. Consider the following:

* Auto insurance protects one of the largest investments in your life by providing money for repairs or replacement in the event of an accident.
* If you’re at fault in an accident, auto insurance protects you against financial loss.
* Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance. The consequences of driving without liability insurance range from impounded vehicles to heavy fines or even jail time.
* Approximately 14% of drivers in America are uninsured. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage protects you if you’re injured or your property is damaged by a driver who has no insurance or doesn’t have enough coverage.

How to Shop Smart for Auto Insurance Quotes

Because automobile insurance quotes can vary among insurers by hundreds of dollars per year, it’s important to consider the type and amount of auto insurance you need. Depending on your circumstances,you may choose any or all of the following types of auto insurance:

* Liability insurance – the minimum coverage required by most states – protects you if you’re at fault in an accident resulting in injury to another and/or damage to another’s property.
* Collision insurance – pays for damage to your own car when you’re at fault in an accident.
* Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist coverage – protects you when you’re involved in an accident that is not your fault and the driver at fault is uninsured or doesn’t carry enough insurance to compensate you for your loss.
* Comprehensive coverage – pays for damage to your car that is unrelated to a collision,such as theft, storm damage,fire or vandalism.

Many insurers offer premium discounts for non-smokers, low-mileage vehicles,safety or anti-theft devices, or mature-driver classes. When you receive your free car insurance rates at InsuranceQuotes.com remember to ask what types of discounts each company provides.

Finally,when obtaining your online auto insurance quotes, be sure to choose a financially stable insurance company with a record of good customer service and prompt claims processing.

Finding free car insurance quotes is a lot easier than you may think. We make it simple for you to obtain online quotes anytime,from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Start shopping for automobile insuranceinsurance quotes. .

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to Compare Renters Insurance Quotes

How to Compare Renters Insurance Quotes. Renter’s insurance is one of the most overlooked types of insurance. People who live in apartments tend to forego safety precautions such as these because they believe the landlords have assumed liability for the building as a whole. While this may be essentially true, the fact remains that your possessions aren’t being rented from anyone – they are yours alone. If you want to protect them from theft, damage and fire, it is critical to find an insurance policy that limits your liability. Good renters insurance doesn’t stop there either. You can add in personal liability provisions as well.

Depending on your needs and the value of the items you are insuring, you may see vastly different quotes from the major insurance carriers. Some of this may simply be due to a variation in the way they calculate premiums. Some may be due to a lack of knowledge about your neighborhood. One common mistake renters make is selecting the lowest premiums without reading the fine print. This is a dangerous way to assume tremendous liability without realizing it. Careful reading and a good education about what these numbers mean can go a long way towards protecting you more completely in the future.

The most important things to look for in your quote are the premium and deductibles. Depending on your credit and the algorithm used by that insurance company, these numbers can fluctuate from quote to quote. Low premiums generally mean a higher deductible, while higher premiums generally offer the reverse. If you have saved up some money for a major catastrophe, it is always wiser to opt for the higher deductible and save every year on your insurance premiums. That said, you also want to be on the lookout for hidden fees and other taxes that may effectively wipe out the advantage – again, close reading is recommended.

Next you want to look for personal liability. Too many renter’s insurance contracts offer no protection in the event someone is injured in your home, and accidents such as these can mean crippling medical bills over many years. Stick with quotes that offer fairly high liability coverages to ensure you aren’t buried by an unforeseen event. You may also want to look for flood or earthquake damage, particularly in high-risk parts of the country. Many renters assume such damages will be covered as a matter of course, but usually they require an additional policy.

Finally, bear in mind that most insurance quotes are just that – quotes. For harder numbers, you may have to speak with an agent and negotiate your rates. Sound comparison shopping will often yield deals you might not find otherwise, and savvy shoppers can use such rates to squeeze even more money out of their principal carriers. If you want to save additional costs without negotiation, experts also recommend consolidating your various insurance policies – auto, home and life – under a single company to earn steep discounts on all three.